Engine Repaints - An assortment of repaints of engines. Some may require you to purchase a base model package.
by Touzzz (jtousign)
This is a Canadian Pacific Railway repaint of the SW1500 from RSC.
*** Updated installation instructions ***
by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)
These are Denver & Rio Grande Western repaints of the GTrax AlCo PA and PB engines that come with the Boston-Albany route.
by Touzzz (jtousign)
This is a repaint of the excellent C424 from DieselWorkshop in Morristown and Erie livery.
*** Updated version ***
Many details have been improved on the first edition, and there are now 4 locomotives numbered 16, 17, 18 and 19.
by Touzzz (jtousign)
This is a Delaware-Lackawanna repaint of the excellent RS3 from DieselWorkshop.
by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)
This is a Baltimore & Ohio repaint of the CSX GP40-2 from DTG
by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)
This ia a Cumberland & Ohio repaint of the CSX GP40-2 from DTG
by Touzzz (jtousign)
This is the Orford Express passenger train, including the FL9 locomotive, lounge and restaurant cars.
by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)
This is a repaint of the payware DTM U25Pack01 into C&O colors.
by Touzzz (jtousign)
This is a Arkansas Oklahoma Railroad re-paint of the DTM GM GP30 CS.
by Touzzz (jtousign)
This is a Canadian National re-paint of the Reppo GP20PackBN. Three unique numbers,#7270, 7000 and 7235.
by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)
This is a repaint of the DTG Amtrak E8 as a Milwaukee orange and red E9.
by Harry R. Adkins (harryadkins)
This model is a Columbia Valley Pacific Railway reskin of the payware Machine Rail Illinois Central Lima Mikado Bundle.
by Touzzz (jtousign)
This is a repaint of DTG's GP30 into the red
Canadian Pacific livery.
by Touzzz (jtousign)
This is a Canadian Pacific re-paint of Reppo's GP20 SP.
by Bernard Lafargue (QcRail)
This is a repaint of DTM's Ge 44-Ton diesel shunter - in classic Queen Mary Island RR paint scheme
by Touzzz (jtousign)
Here's a zebra-striped F7 CN re-paint of the HIS SOURetroPack01 F7 A and B units.
by Bernard Lafargue (QcRail)
This is a repaint of DTM's Ge 44-Ton diesel shunter - in classic CN maple leaf paint scheme for the Queen Mary Island Railway
by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)
This is a repaint of the DTG Amtrak E8 Loco addon in the Wabash livery.
by Touzzz (jtousign)
This is a Canadian Pacific #1407 and #1409 re-paint of the HIS SOURetroPack01 F7 A and B units. The A Units are with and whitout driver for each number.
by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)
This is a repaint of the F7B units from the DTG EMDFP7Pack01 into the vintage Canadian National green livery.
You can also get the matching F7A from the RWA library.
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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