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GN Cascadian Scenarios


Scenarios for the GN Cascadian route


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    GN Train 5 - The Cascadian (Spokane - Seattle daily local)

    GN Train 5 - The Cascadian (Spokane - Seattle daily local) by Michael Stephan

    Cascadian_GN-Train-5_1954-TT.zip - 1.1 MB

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    GN Cascadian Heavy Electric Part 1 version 2

    GN Cascadian Heavy Electric Part 1 version 2 by James Friedland (Friedy)

    GN Cascadian Heavy Electric v2.zip - 702 kb

    Correction of scenario originally released with Cascadian Route by the original scenario author

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    Carnation Creamery Part3 Hard Version

    Carnation Creamery Part3 Hard Version by James Friedland (friedy)

    CarnCreamPt3 Hard.zip - 188 kb

    Standard scenario for Cascadian Route west expansion

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    Carnation Creamery Scenario Pak for Cascadian Route

    Carnation Creamery Scenario Pak for Cascadian Route by James Friedland (friedy)

    CarnCreamScenarioPak.zip - 411 kb

    A 3 part Standard type scenario for the Cascadian Route with its Western Expansion Add-On.

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    Reiter Gravel Scenario

    Reiter Gravel Scenario by James Friedy (Friedy)

    Reiter Gravel.zip - 190 kb

    Standard Scenario for Cascadian West Expansion.  Produced as part of the route's dev team

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    Cascadian West Free Roam Scenario Pak

    Cascadian West Free Roam Scenario Pak by James Friedland (Friedy)

    CasWestFRScenarioPak.zip - 366 kb

    This is a product of the dev team for the Cascadian Route

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    Cascadian Express West Scenario

    Cascadian Express West Scenario by James Friedland (Friedy)

    CascadianExp.zip - 291 kb

    Standard Scenario for Cascadian Route West Expansion.  Product of the route's dev team

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    Cattle Drive Scenario Update

    Cattle Drive Scenario Update by Jim Friedland (Friedy)

    Cattle_Drive_Update.zip - 6.6 MB

    Minor Update patch for scenario set provided with the route.  Note: this is an official author revision and should be provided as a patch to the original route purchase

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    1946 - Helping with the Harvest

    1946 - Helping with the Harvest by Colin (BoostedFridge)

    1946-Helping_With_The_Harvest.7z - 153 kb

    Thank you for downloading this scenario for G-Trax's GN Cascadian Route

Please accept license agreement before downloading

Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.


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