Scenery and other models
by Howard (cnwfan)
This is a Alpha Beta trailer repaint for the RCAP 45 ft trailer.
by John (mindenjohn)
This is a repaint of DTG's school bus scenery item found in the Train Simulator: Norfolk Southern Coal District Route Add-On from Steam.
By Jonathan Peters (jpetersjr)
These are 1958 Plymouth Furys in 5 colors
by Jonathan Burton Peters Jr (jpetersrj)
This is a model of the 1985 Lamborghini Countach from the movie "Cannonball Run 1".
by (ironcat60)
There are some old pickups in the vehicle selection for CVP. They come with the G-Trax RouteAssets used to populate the route. Really nice model but I felt the chromed modern looking tire rims and tires were out of place in the 1950's - 1960's era of the route. Just couldn't see a 50's era Canadian farmer or townsperson driving a truck with chromed mag rims.
So I looked up old Ford Pickup Brochures and made a tire texture to match what they showed as stock wheels for that model and year of truck. It is actually a 1966 Ford F-150. But hey, it looks close enough to use in the 1950's
by (ironcat60)
This Bus is a reskin of the built-in Bus found in the old Rail Works game. All credit goes to them for this great model.
Sunkist Trailer by Howard (cnwfan) - 13.5 MB
Sunkist trailer repaint for the RCAP 45 ft trailer
by Bernard Lafargue (QcRail)
These are repaints of the G-TraX scenery object : Tractor-trailer tankers.
This repaint package offers a series of tankers in yellow color - namely bulk carriers, both cabs and tank-trailer with different graphics and lettering options.
by Bernard Lafargue (QcRail)
G-TraX scenery object : Tractor-trailer tankers, green serie.
This repaint package, groups the green serie of tankers, both cabs and tank-trailer with different graphics and lettering options.
by Bernard Lafargue (QcRail)
G-TraX scenery objects : Tractor-trailer tankers, grimy series.
This repaint package, groups the grimy serie of tankers - namely bulk carriers, both cabs and tank-trailer with different graphics and lettering options.
by Bernard Lafargue (QcRail)
These are repaints of the G-TraX Tractor-trailer tanker scenery object.
This repaint package groups the red serie of tankers, both cabs and tank-trailer with different graphics and lettering options.
Billboards for Raton Pass by Rudi Jaeger (RudiJaeger) - 1.1 MB
Upgrades Raton Pass billboards with local content
US Phone Booth by Christopher (IronCat60)
US Phone Booth re-paint of built-in Red Phone Box
Agricultural Slurry Spreader Repaints by " " (ET44C4)
Slurry_Spreaders.rar - 2.5 MB
Four agricultural slurry spreader repaints for the Sherman Hill water tank
John Deere Combine and Header by " " (ET44C4)
JD_Combine.rar - 2.8 MB
John Deere combine and header models to enhance agricultural scenes
IoW Workmen Mod by Christopher (IronCat60)
IOW Workmen.rar - 850 kb
Texture Mod of IoW Workmen
Pickup Trucks by Christopher (IronCat60)
A_Pickups.rar - 800 kb
Pickups with different color schemes
Australian Road Signs by Jareb Blake (Bekns)
I have created this pack to aide in the making of my own route. I have created each of the signs with both a galvanised pole and a yellow painted rectangle pole. The yellow rectangle poles are specific to the Western Australia region and are the main reason for creating this pack.
SS Poseidon by Jonathan Burton Peters Jr (jpetersjr)
A model ship of the SS Poseidon converted from my older ship model.
Tank Car-Static by Christopher (IronCat60)
Kuju-Tank-Car-Static.rar - 4.9 MB
Static Scenery Kuju U.S. Tank Car
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