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Miscellaneous Files


Miscellaneous files - documents, graphics, etc...


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    Pikehkr's signal tutorials

    By Tim McIntosh (Pikehkr)

    See the tutorial section on our web site for links to these video tutorials on Youtube.

    These here are a 624 MB backup copy, please only download them if they vanish from Youtube.


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    Patch for Character and Wildlife Corrections

    by kris120

    This is a collection of patches for fixing problems with Character and Wildlife scenery objects, as described in this forum post: Removing / Rotating Scenery Objects placed in Scenarios.

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    Torfmeister's coupler fixes

    by (Torfmeister)

    These are fixes for fixing various coupling/derailing problems on engines and rolling stock found in 15 DLC packs:Cajon Pass, Clinchfield, Donner Pass, GP40-2, SD9, Feather River, GP60, Hudson Line, Kansas City -  Topeka, Mount Shasta, N-Line, Norfolk Southern Penn Coal, Sherman Hill, Soldier Summit and Tehachapi.

    They are the work of RWA member Torfmeister.

    Thanks to RWA member Mindenjohn for collecting the files and uploading them.

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    test do not use


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    NS GP38-2 High Hood, SS Enhancement Pack Radio and Cab Light

    by (oldhatatthis)

    This mod makes enhancements to the GP38-2's from SearchLight Simulations and the DTG NS GP38-2 High Hood DLC.

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    Clinchfield Gp38 improvement

    by (oldhatatthis)

    This download fixes the ditchlight issue and the animations for the doors and windows to open and close and be seen from the outside. This also fixes the missing sounds in the cab.

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    Mike Adams' Blender to TS202x Tutorial 1- Create a simple windmill

    by Mike Adams (mikeadams2k)

    This tutorial is intended to give anyone interested in creating user content for TS202X, a place to start.

    The tutorial is broken into several sections and is in .pdf format, with accompanying videos for reference.

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    BNSF Collection_1.2

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    40's-60's Work-Crew

    40's-60's Work-Crew by Christopher (Ironcat60)

    40s-60s_Work-Crew.rar - 3.3 MB

    That is six new figures, plus with the two originals, will give you eight figures

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    A Guide to Setting up TS2018 using NVCP

    A Guide to Setting up TS2018 using NVCP by Peter Hayes (peterhayes)

    Setting Up TS 2018 with a single nVidia card, using nVidia Control Panel (NVCP) PLUS (optional) nVidia Inspector (NVI)

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    Scenario author's guide - tutorials by Rudolf

    Scenario authors guide : Tutorials for creating scenarios for Train Simulator.

    This package contains tutorials and the scenarios used in the Part I tutorial as rwp file.

    Rudolf Heijink, 2015

    For the most recent versions and other helpful tools from Rudolf, visit his web site:


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    Chesterton, IN Railstream Railcams

    Chesterton, IN Railstream Railcams by no name (train1922)

    Chesterton, IN Railcams.zip - 855 kb

    This is the Chesterton, IN Railcams. This is just whats in view of the cams in real life and about 2 miles of track in each direction

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    BritKits Steel Works Pictorial Pack

    BritKits Steel Works Pictorial Pack by Harry Adkins (harryadkins)

    BritKits_Steel_Works_Rolling_Stock_Pictorial_Pack.rar - 3.1 MB

    I created this simple pictorial pack to help me in planning scenarios using Dick Cowan's BritKits Steel Works Set #1

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    Horn installation tutorial

    Horn installation tutorial by Nathan DeFayette (5292nate)

    Horn install tutorial.zip - 1.2 MB

    A brief tutorial on installing custom horn sounds

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    Terrain Basics Tutorial

    Terrain Basics Tutorial by Roy Bingham (thebigroyboyski)

    TerrainTutorialCopy.zip - 3 MB

    This is a guide for new route builders to help show what the different terrain tools do and where they are located. I show how to create a scene from start to finish.

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    Donner Pass Switch Target Fix

    Donner Pass Switch Target Fix - by Gary (GaryG) Gagnon

    misc-Donner_Pass_Switch_Target_Fix.zip 179 KB

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    Railroad Heralds

    Railroad Heralds by Hawk

Please accept license agreement before downloading

Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.


DTG's Required Disclaimer

"IMPORTANT NOTICE. Everything on this site is user generated content designed for use with RailSimulator.com Limited’s train simulation products, including RailWorks 4: Train Simulator 2013, Train Simulator 2014 and Train Simulator 2015. RailSimulator.com Limited does not approve or endorse this user generated content and does not accept any liability or responsibility regarding it.

This user generated content has not been screened or tested by RailSimulator.com Limited. Accordingly, it may adversely affect your use of RailSimulator.com’s products. If you install this user generated content and it infringes the rules regarding user-generated content, RailSimulator.com Limited may choose to discontinue any support for that product which they may otherwise have provided.

The RailWorks EULA sets out in detail how user generated content may be used, which you can review further here: www.railsimulator.com/terms. In particular, this user generated content includes work which remains the intellectual property of RailSimulator.com Limited and which may not be rented, leased, sub-licensed, modified, adapted,copied, reproduced or redistributed without the permission of RailSimulator.com Limited."


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