What is the Railworks America File Library? See this introduction.
The RWA File Library is a simple and free publishing service offered by Railworks America to authors of free content for DTG's Train Simulator Classic, e.g. routes, scenarios, models, repaints, sounds, etc.
The Library is curated, each item is inspected before publication. It enjoys an enviable reputation in the TS community world-wide.
As of March 2023 the use of the RWA Library is free to all, unlimited and does not require registration. Donations to RWA will help to keep it this way. If you appreciate our services, please donate.
Have something to add to the File Library? Register for a free account on our forums. Then read this tutorial on how to prepare and submit your content. It contains guidelines that must be followed.
Repaints and addons for the RW&A Lakeside route
Scenarios for the RW&A Lakeside route
Addons for the GN Cascadian route
Scenarios for the GN Cascadian route
Engine Repaints - An assortment of repaints of engines. Some may require you to purchase a base model package.
Britkits freeware base packages by Dick Cowen
Rolling Stock Repaints
Rolling stock accessories and tools for manipulating them.
Sound file enhancements for Train Simulator
Route Collection
Scenario Collection
Scenery and other models
Miscellaneous files - documents, graphics, etc...
Train Sim World - TSW items
Aircraft repaints from North Eastern Airlines for FSX
by Harry R. Adkins (harryadkins)
This model is a Peoria & Eastern reskin of Larry Goss’s freeware American Car & Foundry 40ft 10-6 Boxcar.
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
DTG's Required Disclaimer
"IMPORTANT NOTICE. Everything on this site is user generated content designed for use with RailSimulator.com Limited’s train simulation products, including RailWorks 4: Train Simulator 2013, Train Simulator 2014 and Train Simulator 2015. RailSimulator.com Limited does not approve or endorse this user generated content and does not accept any liability or responsibility regarding it.
This user generated content has not been screened or tested by RailSimulator.com Limited. Accordingly, it may adversely affect your use of RailSimulator.com’s products. If you install this user generated content and it infringes the rules regarding user-generated content, RailSimulator.com Limited may choose to discontinue any support for that product which they may otherwise have provided.
The RailWorks EULA sets out in detail how user generated content may be used, which you can review further here: www.railsimulator.com/terms. In particular, this user generated content includes work which remains the intellectual property of RailSimulator.com Limited and which may not be rented, leased, sub-licensed, modified, adapted,copied, reproduced or redistributed without the permission of RailSimulator.com Limited."
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