Rolling stock accessories and tools for manipulating them.
CSX ES44AC Number Fix by Daniel Gibbs
CSX ES44AC Number - 5 kb
A fix to correct the numbers on the YN3 locos and to extend the numbers on the YN3b locos up to 3199
Miami C40-8W Number Fix by Tony Nguyen (zekthekid) - 127 kb
Correction to the numbers on DTG's CSX Dash 8
Dash-9 Number Correction by Adam (ncrailfannerofusa)
Dash-9-Number-Correction.7z - 3 kb
Super U30B by Phillip Schlichting (pschlik)
Super - 213 kb
Another super locomotive, this time back in the USA
F59 Horn,Bell and Brake Mod Update
Cab Forward Mod by David Whiting (dtrainBNSF1) - 712 kb
This is a modification that updates the Cab Forward's power, speed, weight, etc
F59PH/F59PHI Horn,Bell and Brake Mod by no name (TommyPicklesfan1992) - 732 kb
Replacement Container Textures for Pacific Surfliner by Jerremee Jones (BNSF 511) - 2.3 MB
Requires the Pacific Surfliner route from Steam in order to work
Donner Pass Texture Improvement Pack by TheRailfan98 - 190 MB
Different texture templates by Sibell
Texture - 8.9 MB
Some clean templates for repainting. without color, all comes in grey. An easy start for you to repaint
Miami P42DC update by Sibell - 21 MB
Color correction and update of DTG's Miami P42DC. Included new bell and horn sounds
Menu Route Thumbnails Updated v1.2 by Jareb Blake (Bekns) - 5.5 MB
Updated file of previous version
Previous version had 659 downloads
BNSF SD70MAC Screenshot Fix by no name (AmtrakandAWVRFan)
BNSF SD70MAC Screenshot Fix.7z - 121 kb
This is a screen shot fix for the SD70MAC from the SD70 V2 Pack that can be purchased off Steam
Amtrak Heritage Diner Number Fix by Chris Laurence (Chrisonline)
Amtrak Heritage Diner Number Fix.7z - 5 kb
Corrects non-functioning numbering for the Heritage Diner in the Miami-West Palm Beach package
Great Northern F7 Empire Builder Brake and Bell Fix 1.0 by no name (GeneralWo)
F7 Empire Builder - 8 kb
This mod fixes the bell button, so it remains on after letting go of B, and it fixes the fact the brakes on the coaches didn't fully release by increasing the locomotive's brake pressure from 90 to 110 psi.
Stevens Pass ES44DC dynamic brakes keyboard fix by Jorge Alsina (jalsina)
ES44DC-StevensPass-KeyboardFix.rar - 139 kb
Input Mapper spelling error fix for the Stevens Pass ES44DC when reducing dynamic brakes settings
Pacific Surfliner Number Fix by Jerremee Jones (BNSF511)
Surfliner Number - 2 kb
This is a simple numbering fix for the Pacific Surfliner F59PHI and cabcar
P32AC-DM Shoreliner Mod Pack by Mike Kam (FanRailer)
P32AC-DM_Shoreliner_Mod_Pack.rar - 4 MB
Sound & Physics Mod for Metro-North P32 and Shoreliner Cab Car
AEM-7AC DC Physics Sound Mod Update by Mike Kam (FanRailer)
EMD_AEM-7AC_DC_Physics_Sound_Mod_Update.rar - 2 MB
EMD F40PH & Gallery Cab Car Mod by
Barnez_TS2016_Metra_EMD_F40PH_Gallery_Cab_Car_Comprehensive_Mod_Pack.rar - 1.1 MB
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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"IMPORTANT NOTICE. Everything on this site is user generated content designed for use with Limited’s train simulation products, including RailWorks 4: Train Simulator 2013, Train Simulator 2014 and Train Simulator 2015. Limited does not approve or endorse this user generated content and does not accept any liability or responsibility regarding it.
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