Rolling stock accessories and tools for manipulating them.
By Howard (cnwfan)
I recently created this 1K (1024x1024) color grid image (png format) to assist repainters with finding how small details were mapped to the texture.
By Mike Simpson
TS-Tools is a legendary suite of utilities for DTG's Train Simulator Classic (TS 2022). This suite enables advanced users to carry out many improvements/changes to the default simulator.
This is v1.0.82, the final version published by Mike before his retirement. TS-Tools will not be updated further and is not supported by Mike anymore. Here at RWA we have knowledgeable users who can answer questions and provide help, but this is not official support.
SD70Pack02 BNSF SD70ACe Dynamic Number Mod by Openrailer90
SD70Pack02_BNSFSD70ACeDynamicNumberMod.7z - 880 kb
This mod eliminates the static numbers on the BNSF SD70ACes
TS2019 Menu Music by Colton Fox (ASCVRailroad)
TS2019 Menu Music.7z - 22.5 MB
Replacement of the default menu sounds for TS2019
Hiawatha Skytop Textures by Buzz Baxter (Buzz456)
Hiawatha Skytop - 1.7 MB
MSTS conversion Skytop lounge enhancement
Hiawatha Skytop Textures
UP Big Boy Texture Enhancement by Colton Fox (ASCVRailroad)
UP 4-8-8-4 Big Boy Texture Enhancement.7z - 4.5 MB
Texture enhancement of RSC's Big Boy locomotive that adds the cab-side data to the locomotive.
UP Big Boy Texture Enhancement
Containers For Raton Pass Spine Cars by Ryan Farkos (arlingtontxrailfan)
Containers For Raton Pass Spine - 153 kb
Requires Raton's TTAX & RCAP Pack and Maine Maritime route
ATSF F7 Texture Update by Samuel Rockwell (ET44C4)
ATSF_F7_Update.rar - 30 MB
Updated textures for the default Kuju ATSF F7
EMD SDP40F Physics And Sound Mod by Daniel Gibbs (dmgibbs1997) - 1 MB
A fix for the brakes on the SDP40F, plus a new horn and bell
G-Trax Container Reskins V2 by Ryan Farkos (arlingtonxrailfan)
G-Trax Container Reskins V2.7z - 490 kb
Reskins include FedEx Multimodal, Hub, EMP, JB Hunt, and UPS
PRR DR6-4-2000 Physics Mod by Daniel Gibbs (dmgibbs1997) - 324 kb
A physics mod for the PRR DR6-4-2000
G-Trax Container Reskins V1 by no name (arlingtontxrailfan)
G-Trax Container Reskins 1.7z - 1.1 MB
Reskins for the G-Trax, Racetrack, and Stevens Pass intermodal rolling stock
SP 4449 Sound and Physics Upgrade by Rasucit Nemilos
Southern Pacific GS-4 Upgrade - 26.5 MB
Xingbell Crossing Mod.rarngbell Grade Crossing Mod by no name (CSXNSFAN99)
Xingbell Crossing Mod.rar - 4MB
CSX Miami Dash 8 Texture Upgrade no name (Dash7Studios)
D7S_CSX_D8_Texture_Upgrade.rar - 6.5 MB
This pack will upgrade the textures on the default Miami Dash 8
Raton Pass Dash8 Sound Coupler Mod by Daniel Gibbs (dmgibbs1997) - 119 kb
This fixes the couplers on the Santa Fe Dash 8-40BW with no crews
RSC Dash 9 Number Extension by Daniel Gibbs (dmgibbs1997) - 35 kb
A number extension for the RSC Dash 9
Britkits Dunham Roadname by Harry R. Adkins (harryadkins)
Britkits_Dunham_roadname.7z - 400 kb
This file is a Dunham Lumber Company roadname texture for the Britkits Class B & C Shay locomotives
ATSF SD75M Texture Enhancement by " " (ET44C4)
ATSF_SD75M.rar - 3 MB
Enhanced textures for the RSC Santa Fe SD75M
ACR Route Markers by Christopher (IronCat60)
ACR RouteMarkers.rar - 150kb
Named Destinations Route Markers for ACR Route by M. Howarth
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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"IMPORTANT NOTICE. Everything on this site is user generated content designed for use with Limited’s train simulation products, including RailWorks 4: Train Simulator 2013, Train Simulator 2014 and Train Simulator 2015. Limited does not approve or endorse this user generated content and does not accept any liability or responsibility regarding it.
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