Rolling stock accessories and tools for manipulating them.
Ft Smith Route Maps by Harry Adkins (harryadkins)
Fort Smith to Heavener Maps.rar - 5.7 MB
Maps of the Allabord Ft Smith to Heavener route
Metrolink EMD F59PH Physics Mod by Mike Kam (FanRailer)
TS2015_Metrolink_EMD_F59PH_Physics_Mod.rar - 152 kb
Minor physics adjustments for the EMD F59PH
UPDATED: Sept. 27, 2014 now has MP36PH-3C and F125 Physics
Coaster EMD F59PHI Physics Mod by Mike Kam (FanRailer)
TS2015_Coaster_EMD_F59PHI_Physics_Mod_Pack.rar - 193 kb
Slight physics modification to the Coaster EMD F59PHI
New Road Textures by Todd McCuistion (Tuddley3)
New Road Textures.rar - 3 MB
New textures for old default roads
Big Boy Physics Update by David Whiting (dtrainBNSF1) - 345 kb
This is a physics upgrade for the Big Boy released back in TS2013.
CSX EMD SD80MAC Traction and Dynamic Braking Physics Mod by Mike Kam (FanRailer)
TS2014_CSX_EMD_SD80MAC_Traction_and_Dynamic_Braking_Physics_Mod.rar - 302 kb
Updated tractive effort and dynamic braking curves calculated using real world information.
Canadian Mountain Pass Spongy Coupler Fix by Robert J. Meek (robbit) - 5 kb
This is a fix for the couplers on the ES44AC for the Canadian Mountain Pass route.
NKP Berkshire Power Upgrade by David Whiting (dwhiting77) - 15 kb
A power upgrade similar to the SP&S Northern upgrade.
SP&S 700 power upgrade by David Whiting - 7 kb
This is a power upgrade for the SP&S Northern pack.
The Super ES44DC by Phillip Schlichting (pschlik) - 354 kb
Supercharged version on the BNSF H2 ES44DC.
Via Logos for the G-Trax P42 by Steven Gittins (Merlin75) - 235 kb
This file will add logos to the G-Trak version of the P42. And if you have the RSC version aswwell and install the bin files you could have lens flare.
NYNH Electric Unit Keyboard Mods
NYNH Mods.7z - 134 kb
Modified files to make using the keyboard better/easier with the three currently available units for NYNH (M8/HHP/ACS-64)
Amtrak ACS-64 Traction Physics Mod Pack by Mike Kam (FanRailer)
TS2014_Amtrak_ACS-64_Traction_Physics_Mod.rar - 153 Kb
Adding ability to choose between boost mode and continuous mode on the ACS-64
Rolling Stock in UK DLC Packs Illustrated by Tom Pallen (OldProf) - 5.7 MB
Database of rolling stock included in UK DLC packs, including available illustrations
Rolling Stock in U.S. DLC Packs Illustrated by Tom Pallen (OldProf) - 3.2 MB
Database of rolling stock in U. S. DLC packs, with illustrations
U.S. Rolling Stock in DLC Packs by Tom Pallen (OldProf) - 371 Kb
List of U.S. freight and passenger cars in DLC packs
GG1 Passenger and Freight Tractive Effort Mod by Mike Kam (FanRailer)
TS2014_PRR_GG1_Tractive_Effort_Mod.rar - 176 Kb
Tractive Effort Fix for GG1
EMD F40PH Physics and HEP Mod by Mike Kam (FanRailer)
TS2014_EMD_F40PH_Physics_and_HEP_Mod.rar - 209 Kb
Amtrak F40PH HEP Version Addition and Physics Fix
Amtrak EMD AEM-7DC Physics Mod - Mike Kam (FanRailer)
TS2014_Amtrak_AEM-7DC_Physics_Mod.rar - 185 Kb
Tweaked TE and Braking Curve, and changed max amp ratings
MCSA Route YSI Diagram by Trevor Henderson (TDHenderson) - 286 Kb
Yards, Siding, and Industry Map for the Modern and 1920's versions of the Moscow, Camden & San Augustine routes by Michael Stephan.
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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"IMPORTANT NOTICE. Everything on this site is user generated content designed for use with Limited’s train simulation products, including RailWorks 4: Train Simulator 2013, Train Simulator 2014 and Train Simulator 2015. Limited does not approve or endorse this user generated content and does not accept any liability or responsibility regarding it.
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