Sound file enhancements for Train Simulator
CSX ES44AC Horn by (ZekTheKid)
CSX ES44AC - 212 kb
A horn off of a CSX ES44AC
NKP 765 Whistle Pack by (Railfan587) - 16.3 MB
This pack includes many of the whistles that NKP 765 has carried over the years, and also includes 5 bells
EMD SW1500 Horn Fix by Matt Gorres (tycoonkid9)
EMD SW1500 Horn - 595 kb
This pack breaks apart the SW1500 horn loop found in every DLC that contains a SW1500
SD-40 Horn Enhancement by (ZekTheKid)
SD-40 - 268 kb
Horn of an EX-BN SD-40
Mixed Horn Pack by Mitchell Harvey
Horns.rar - 62.6 MB
Just a pack of 62 horns I made over time
Sp 4449 Bell Enhancement by (ZekTheKid) - 109 kb
This is a bell enhancement of the bell that came with this freeware GS-4 horn and bell upgrade
NKP 765 Nathan 6 Chime by Jay Davis (berkshirefan765)
NKP 765 Nathan 6 Chime.rar - 490 kb
This is a whistle for the G-traX berkshire
Nathan New Cast P3 by (JacobyWitness)
Nathan - 1.4 MB
NS SD60 P5 Horn by Trent Lewis (southern630) - 537 kb
P5 horn off of NS 6660 which is a spartan cab SD60
P32AC-DM Cab Car Sound Mod v 1.0 by Mike Kam (FanRailer)
TS2015_Metro-North_Shoreliner_Cab_Car_Sound_Mod_Pack.rar - 3.8 MB
New Horn, Bell, Door, and Brake sounds for the Shoreliner Car that comes with the P32AC-DM DLC
NS SD70ACe K5LLAR1L Horn by Trent Lewis (Southern630) - 285 kb
A K5LLAR1L Horn for the NS Heritage SD70Ace Pack or any other SD70Ace you may have
ES44AC and ES44DC K5HLL by Benton Ferron (SevenXNinja)
ES44AC and ES44DC - 2.5 MB
Kuju ES44AC Replacement Sound Set(Updated) by Benton Ferron (SevenXNinja)
Kuju ES44AC Sound - 12.5 MB
Kuju ES44AC Sound Set(Updated)Fix.rar - 216 kb
A Sound Set I made for the Kuju ES44
Patch file added December 7, 2014
M8 Leslie RS2M & Door Sound Upgrade by Mike Kam (FanRailer)
SD40 Horn and Bell by Justin Riese (Nitsujy12345) - 11.3 MB
This is a new horn and bell for the SD40-2. Horn from a New Hope and Ivyland Ex CP locomotive
Dash 9 Horn - Bell by Justin Riese (Nitsujy12345) - 10 MB
A new horn for the Dash 9. The bell is an E-Bell.
Prime 920 (Fixed) by Benton Ferron (SevenXNinja)
Prime - 900 kb
Prime 920 from a RS18U
SevenXNinja Horn Pack by Benton Ferron (SevenXNinja)
SevenXNinja Horn - 10.7 MB
Nathan P5 Horn by Russell Sullivan (sully7302)
Nathan P5 - 354 kb
Southern Pacific P3 Hornsound by Gavin McLennan (raildriver) - 1.5 MB
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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