by Harry R. Adkins (harryadkins)
This scenario is for Jawal’s Mississippi route.
Memphis Express
A scenario for the Mississippi route
By Harry R. Adkins
December 2022
This scenario is for Jawal’s Mississippi route. You can download it from the Railworks America file library.
I envision the Mississippi route as the Memphis Subdivision of Frank Ellison’s Delta Lines extending from Monroe, LA, to Memphis, TN. The Delta Lines mainline extends from New Orleans to St. Louis.
The Memphis Express (Train No. 33) left the Monroe Union Station at 12:30 p.m. It carries mail and express from New Orleans and points south bound for Memphis, Tennessee. In addition, it carries a refrigerated car loaded with fresh seafood and fruits from New Orleans.
You will also need to install the included Delta_Britkits_Roadname package into both the Britkits Light Pacific and Light Mikado as well as the Tenders and USRA Tenders folders. You can purchase the Britkits models here:
With the exception of the Britkits models, all the other assets are from the Railworks America library.
Frank Ellison was an American model railroader who created the famous O scale Delta Lines model railroad in New Orleans, Louisiana and authored numerous articles from the 1930s to the 1950s. Between 1934 and 1956 Ellison became the face of model railroading in the United States when he wrote hundreds of articles on all aspects of the hobby, many involving his O scale layout that he built at his large house in the Lakeview district of New Orleans that he named the Delta Lines.
Hope you enjoy.
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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