by Harry R. Adkins (harryadkins)
These scenarios are for Jawal’s Mississippi route.
Huie-Hodge Lumber
Two scenarios for the Mississippi route
By Harry R. Adkins
December 2022
These scenarios are for Jawal’s Mississippi route. You can download it from the Railworks America file library. Run the RW_AssetSetup.exe file to install.
Huie-Hodge P1 – After meeting Extra xxxx South at Buffalo Island Jct., your train will proceed to Louisiana and unload passengers and express. You will then set-out your train at Voie de garage4-Louisiana. Finally, move your locomotive to Water-Louisiana for servicing.
Huie-Hodge P2 – First, pick-up your train of empty log flats at Voie de garage4-Louisiana (including the Combine). After loading passengers and express at Louisiana, you will get train orders and run south through Buffalo Island Jct.
I envision the Mississippi route as the Memphis Subdivision of Frank Ellison’s Delta Lines extending from Monroe, LA, to Memphis, TN. The Delta Lines mainline extends from New Orleans to St. Louis.
The 26 mile Huie-Hodge Lumber Company Railroad interchanges with the Delta Lines (Mississippi Route) at Buffalo Island, Mississippi. It uses a combination of Shay and 2-6-0 Mogul locomotives to move logs for shipment over the Delta Lines to a large lumber mill at Bastrop, Louisiana. Huie-Hodge owns a fleet of about 30 skeleton flat cars to move its products.
In 1921, the Huie-Hodge Company bought a second-hand Combine from the Delta Lines to transport employees and locals to the town of Louisiana. Huie-Hodge Lumber has trackage rights for its mixed trains over the Delta Lines Memphis Subdivision from the junction at Buffalo Island to Louisiana.
An equipment list is included.
Hope you enjoy.
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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