Scenario Collection
CP Train 200 part 2, v.2 by (Shawmut) - 491 KB
A career scenario for the DTG/Milepost Simulations route "Canadian Mountain Passes"
Excavator Duties by no name (IrascibleSAP) - 197 kb
Scenario, Alaska
MROWC - We Will Deliver by Colin (BoostedFridge)
MROWC.7z - 301 kb
2013 was a busy year for western railroading
G HASPSA1 - The Worm by Colin (BoostedFridge)
G_HASPSA-The_Worm.7z - 287 kb
This scenario takes place in Wyoming in 2009 on the Powder River Basin
C EBMNPJ - The Outsider by Colin (BoostedFridge)
C-EBMNPJ_The_Outsider.7z - 343 kb
This scenario takes place in modern day Wyoming (2018) on the Powder River Basin
LGIL158 - Gillette Local - Pt2 by Roger (gtrtroger) Lavender
Part 2 of a scenario for the PRB Route
LGIL158 - Gillette Local - Pt1 UPDATED by Roger (gtrtroger) Lavender
Updated scenario for the PRB Route
Local Connie by Alex RW (DrTrenchcoat)
Local Connie(STP).zip - 900 kb
Take a local train from Mukilteo to Skykomish stopping along the way to pick up and set out some cars
C-BAMJOJ0 42 - Unassisted by Colin (BoostedFridge)
CBAMJOJ042-Unassisted.7z - 274 kb
A scenario for Tomcat's Powder River Basin Route
Switching Steel by Tom Pallen (OldProf) - 1.5 MB
Three switching scenarios for the B&LE route
Evening Ferry Loading by Tom Pallen (OldProf) - 1.5 MB
Scenario for BL&E
BLE Pre-release Scenario Set by Jim Friedland (Friedy) - 2 MB
Set of Standard Scenarios for the Bessemer & Lake Erie RR TS route
TP-Spiral-JMcE by John McEwen (JohnMcEwen) - 155 kb
Short run (20 mins) up the Tehachapi Spiral
VS05 - Victorville Switching - Part-5 by Roger Lavender (gtrtroger) - 277 kb
Scenario for Cajon-Mojave Route
VS04 Victorvile Switching Part-4 by Roger Lavender (gtrtroger) - 283 kb
Scenario for Cajon-Mojave Route
VS03 - Victorville Switching - Part 3 by Roger Lavender (gtrtroger) - 222 kb
Scenario for Cajon-Mojave Route
VS02 - Victorville Switching - Part 2 by Roger Lavender (gtrtroger) - 227 kb
Scenario for Cajon-Mojave Route
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