by Harry R. Adkins (harryadkins)
This is a scenario for the Mississippi route.
The Paper Train
This is a scenario for the Mississippi route.
Author: Harry R. Adkins
Season / weather:
Start time: 10:00
Duration: :30
Difficulty: Moderate
Description: Pick up loaded pulpwood flatcars at Little Calumet Creek for delivery to the GM&O Interchange.
Run the RW_AssetSetup.exe package file to install this scenario. You must also install the included Delta_Britkits_Roadname.7z package for the scenario to operate correctly. Check The Paper Train Rolling-Stock.csv file for needed assets. All are available in the Railworks America Library except the Britkits Light 2-8-2. You can purchase it here:
If there's one thing the southern United States can do well, it's to grow pine trees. After harvesting, pine trees are cut into standard lengths to be shipped to a paper mill. Depending on the distance involved, pulpwood can be shipped by truck or rail. Rail cars are specially designed with bulkheads at each end to prevent spillage.
The Paper Train is a combined operation by the Delta Lines, the Illinois Central, and the Gulf, Mobile & Ohio railroads. On the Mississippi route, the Delta Lines runs a empty train south from Memphis, TN. The empty train stops along the route at each pulpwood yard, picking up loaded cars.
Loaded pulpwood cars are then delivered by the Delta Lines to the GM&O interchange. The GM&O delivers these cars along with other loads to the Great Southern Lumber Company Mill in Bogalusa, LA. The Illinois Central has a similar operation.
Empty cars are picked up at the GM&O interchange for the return trip. Cars are distributed to wood yards along the way back.
This package is released as freeware. You can do whatever you wish with it EXCEPT make money with its use.
Harry R. Adkins
February 2025
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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