RWA Log Exchange Challenge by Jim Friedland (Friedy) - 250 kb
This scenario is an expansion of the Log Exchange scenario provided with the route. It will NOT overwrite the original scenario.The additionalchallenge includes maintaining a schedule in order to not delay other traffic on the route. In order to successfully complete the scenario the driver must arrive and stay on schedule without significantly exceeding any of the speed limits along the route.
Log Exchange Challenge Scenario for RW&A Route
Requires: RW&A Route - donationware available at Railworks America website
All required assets included in the above.
This scenario is an expansion of the Log Exchange scenario provided with the route. The additional
challenge includes maintaining a schedule in order to not delay other traffic on the route. In order
to successfully complete the scenario the driver must arrive stay on schedule without significantly
exceeding any of the speed limits along the route.
Scenario Writers: This scenario makes extensive use of the .lua script extensions provided via the
TS2014 update. Elements of interest include:
Modified Dialogs
Scriptable scenario failure
Determination of Train Mass
Determination of Train Length
Determination of Train Speed and Track Speed Limit
Number of Seconds since start of scenario
As a resource uncompiled .lua scripts have been included for your reference.
Installation: Unzip the download file and extract the files to a convenient location. In Windows Explorer or
equivalent navigate to Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\railworks and double-click on the file
Utilities.exe. (Seriously consider creating a shortcut to this file on your Desktop.)
That will launch a dialog titled "Train Simulator Utilities."
Click on the Package Manager tab, then click on the Refresh button.
Once all the progress bars have finished, click on the Install button. Navigate to wherever you
extracted the download package and find the file titled RWALogXChall.rwp
Select that file and click on the Open button.
Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticism via the Railworks America Forum (Friedy)
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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"IMPORTANT NOTICE. Everything on this site is user generated content designed for use with Limited’s train simulation products, including RailWorks 4: Train Simulator 2013, Train Simulator 2014 and Train Simulator 2015. Limited does not approve or endorse this user generated content and does not accept any liability or responsibility regarding it.
This user generated content has not been screened or tested by Limited. Accordingly, it may adversely affect your use of’s products. If you install this user generated content and it infringes the rules regarding user-generated content, Limited may choose to discontinue any support for that product which they may otherwise have provided.
The RailWorks EULA sets out in detail how user generated content may be used, which you can review further here: In particular, this user generated content includes work which remains the intellectual property of Limited and which may not be rented, leased, sub-licensed, modified, adapted,copied, reproduced or redistributed without the permission of Limited."
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