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TS 2020
Saturday, 02 May 2020

PENNSYLVANIA STEAM by Michael Stephan and crew

PennSteam.zip - 830 MB

- Conneaut to North Bessemer - Steam and Steel in the 1920s


- Conneaut to North Bessemer -
Steam and Steel in the 1920s

A Route for Train Simulator


This route is a re-release of the Bessemer & Lake Erie route, previously available in Dovetail Games' Steam Store.

Existing owners of that DLC do not need to download this. This new version is functionally identical to the old Steam release and both are fully compatible with each other (for scenarios, repaints, ...)



1. Download the RWP file and save it in a secure place on your hard disk – just in case you might have to reinstall the route at a later time.
2. Now install the RWP file with Train Simulator's Package Manager. To access that tool, launch utilities.exe in the main Train Simulator installation folder.
3. Note: You can find utilities.exe by right clicking on the Train Simulator title in your Steam Library, selecting Properties, and then clicking the “Browse Local Content” button on the “Local Files” tab.
4. Once the Utilities are running, go to the Package Manager Tab, click the Install button, browse to the file from step one, click Open. Wait until the installation is complete.
5. You can now play the route in your Train Simulator. QuickDrive, Career and Standard mode scenarios are included. The route is called "Pennsylvania Steam" in the menus.

Please note that you must have the US and European Loco and Asset Packs from Steam to use this add-on. Most of you will aready have these. They come bundled with a variety of DLC from the Steam Store, please see the two DLCs' Steam Store pages for more details:


For an in-depth description of the route's contents, including scenario briefings, please refer to the Pennsylvania Steam Project Manual in your manuals folder.

A second manual in that folder, the Pennsylvania Steam Operations Manual, includes detailed operating instructions for the locomotives, route maps, and guides to the many industries and locations along the route that scenario authors might find very useful.


Route developed by Wayne Campbell, Jim Friedland, Rick Grout, and Michael Stephan

With additional contributions from Tim Muir (0-6-0 base model), Michael Rennie (whistle quill), Tomasso Pallen, and the staff and volunteers at the Greenville Railroad Park.

Please accept license agreement before downloading

Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.


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"IMPORTANT NOTICE. Everything on this site is user generated content designed for use with RailSimulator.com Limited’s train simulation products, including RailWorks 4: Train Simulator 2013, Train Simulator 2014 and Train Simulator 2015. RailSimulator.com Limited does not approve or endorse this user generated content and does not accept any liability or responsibility regarding it.

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