By ENR3005
This prototype reskin of MaineLines FMC52ftPlateCDoubleDoorBox package
Version 1.0 May 2023
This prototype reskin of MaineLines FMC52ftPlateCDoubleDoorBox package ( represents a specific series of double door boxcars that FMC Corp produced in 1975 and were most recently owned by CEFX. Previous owners were CNA and BAR. Most of the prototype cars are in green patch paint such as what is represented with this model to cover years of accumulating graffiti.
This model is auto-numbered to match the prototype's numbering series 500591-500636. Original credit to MaineLines for use of his excellent model.
Run the RW_AssetSetup file to install the model. In the scenario editor the model will be listed as: “FMC52ftCDD_CEFX_1”. This model is installed into: Assets\MaineLines\RailVehicles\ Freight\Boxcars\FMC52ftCDD_CEFX_1.
This package has been released as freeware. You can do whatever you wish with it EXCEPT profit from the use of this model and reskin.
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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