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G-TraX PRR FF2 Electric Locomotive

TS 2019
Sunday, 02 December 2018

G-TraX PRR FF2 Electric Locomotive by Rick Grout (ricksan)

G-TraX_PRR_FF2_v0.zip - 3 MB

This model represents PRR's FF2 class electric locomotives

G-TraX PRR FF2 Electric Locomotive
You must previously have installed the G-TraX Cascadian route in order for this add-on to work properly.
1. If you haven't already done so, unzip this archive to a convenient place. The Zip contains this readme file, two JPG image filles, and a single folder having the same name as the Zip except with the extension RWP.
2. Find the program Utilities.exe. Utilities.exe can usually be found under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks. Double-click on Utilities.exe to launch it.
3. In Utilities.exe, click on the tab labeled Package Manager, then click on the Install button. That will open a dialog named Load Package which is a typical Windows open-file dialog. Navigate to the RWP file that you unZipped in Step 1, select it and click the Open button.
Files should now be properly installed on your system.
To use your locomotive in a scenario, enter the scenario editor. In the left-center flyout menu, click on the Object Set Filter (small blue cube with orange arrow). In the upper-right flyout menu find G-TraX in the upper drop-down menu, then click on the two rightmost check boxes to the right of Preservation. In the left-center flyout menu click the Engines & Tenders icon. Your PRR FF2 should be listed there.
Select your engine by clicking on PRR FF2 in the menu. When you drag your mouse off the menu and onto the scene a 3D image of the engine will appear. Place the engine where you want it on the tracks, then click again to set it in place. To reverse its direction, double-click on the engine, then click on the big orange arrow that appears above it.
To make your engine driveable, open the upper-left flyout menu, then drag and drop the Driver icon (man with hat) onto your engine.
Exit the scenario editor by clicking the Drive arrow at the lower right. In the simulator scene, click on your engine and you will be ready to take the controls.
You should also be able to find your PRR FF2 in the Quick Drive menu.
Due to the lack of catenary-height standardization, the FF2 pantographs may not exactly contact the catenary wires of some routes.
Special thanks to PRR aficionado Thomas Pearce for reviewing this product.
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Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.


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