by Bernard Lafargue (QcRail)
This is a repaint of DTM's Ge 44-Ton diesel shunter - in classic CN maple leaf paint scheme for the Queen Mary Island Railway
Ge 44Tons diesel shunter - in classic CN maple leaf paint scheme for the Queen Mary Island Railway
DTM for creating the original GE44Ton-SP - 3D model and base textures. The base GE 44 Tons model is part of the
RailWorks\Assets\DMT\GE44Ton-SP\RailVehicles\Southern Pacific\Engine Package or
RailWorks\Assets\DTM\GE 44 Ton Package (PRR)
and it is needed for this new add-on to function properly with Train Simulator. If need be, any can be acquired at Steam under :
QcRail for remaping and repaint
The Queen Mary Island Railway needed a small switchers to provide flexibility and additional efficiency in tight and short spurs.
Aside from yard work, the Ge 44 Tons seemed appropiate to perfom in interchange yard duties - specifically at various industrial complexes, such as the fuel depot and forestry Industies around the island. It offers a well detailed cab for operations and, as of this date, it seems to be well adapted to the ferry service to and from the mainland.
Since the original Ge 44 Tons shunter is a payware product from DTM, it implies that each version of the QMI-5 switcher be structured within a unique and seperate file folder to preserve two of the 3d model nomenclature, ie GE 44Ton_PRR.GeoPcDx for the engine 3D model and GE 44Ton_PRR_Cab.GeoPcDx for the views within the engine cab.
Now you can proceed with installing the QMI Ge 44Tons engine, nb.5:
1- Simple Installation to TS Classic: use Train Simulator Utilities and Package Manager to upload to TS Classic the Ge44Tons_QMI5-maple_leaf.rwp file.
Additional steps to complete the installation :
2- Copy this file:
..Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\DTM\GE44Ton\RailVehicles\Pennsylvania\Engine\GE 44Ton_Penn.GeoPcDx
*** MAKE SURE you change the file name if you have another non PRR GE 44Ton
Now, a similar attention must be paid to the Cab View files folder.
3- Copy this file:
..Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\DTM\GE44Ton\RailVehicles\Pennsylvania\CabView\GE 44Ton_Penn_Cab.GeoPcDx
*** AGAIN, MAKE SURE you change the file name if you have another non PRR GE 44Ton.
Now, you should enjoy your new Ge 44 Tons on the scenic maritime island.
Following installation, use the In-game Installer and to insert the Ge 44 Tons switcher into your QMI route using the Scenario Editor;
Make sure that DTM and GE44Ton-QMI options are checked to activate the Ge-44 Tons locomotive.
You will find the engine listed as : "[DTM] GE 44Ton QMI-05"
Note: In the download file folder, a .jpg image should give you a preliminary idea of the switcher's appearance.
1) Each engine is provided as freeware. Please feel free to modify this engine as you see fit for personal use,
however do not charge for it, under no circumstances! If you use the shape and/or textures, please credit
the original contributors (see credits above).
2) The QMI Ge-44 Tons engine is provided on an as-is basis. Therefore, I shall not be held responsible for any damage any part
of this archive might do to your system.
Hope you enjoy this adaptation of the classic Canadian National paint scheme to the Queen Mary Island GE-44 Tons engine.
Bernard Lafargue, aka QcRail
January, 2024
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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