By Howard (cnwfan)
I recently created this 1K (1024x1024) color grid image (png format) to assist repainters with finding how small details were mapped to the texture.
I recently created this 1K (1024x1024) color grid image (png format) to assist with finding how small details were mapped to the texture. My prior color grid had larger squares with color gradations that became too difficult to distinguish on the model. This grid was procedurally produced using a 16x16 grid pattern with random RGB colors. Each grid square is identified with a small ID number in either white or black, depending on the darkness of the grid square color.
How to Use
Simply copy this image into your repaint graphics file. Set this new layer on top of layer that has the base texture. Set the color grid layer blending method to Overlay at 100% opacity. Save your graphics file and then save as a DDS file. Follow your regular procedure to convert the DDS file into a TgPcDx file and apply to the repaint's asset folder.
Assuming the rest of the repaint files have been altered to allow being added to a scenario within TSC, create and load your test scenario. I prefer to use a free roam scenario as it allows me to easily fly around the model. Take note of the details you're trying to map, and look for the colors mapped to that detail. Also note if the grid ID appears on the detail part.
Sometimes I'll use a screen capture program, like Snipping Tool in Windows, to grab a reference image while I'm working on the repaint texture.
Go back to your repaint texture, disable the color grid layer, and paint away.
I hope you'll find this color grid useful. You are free to use and distribute this image as part of your repaint graphics file(s) for any freeware repaints. All I ask is you include a credit in the repaint's readme file. If you wish to distribute as part of a payware release, please contact me.
If you have any questions or issues with the color grid image, please reach out to me on the RWA forums or through a PM. Thank you!
Howard (aka cnwfan)
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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