Logging Camp Crane - by Dick (dick8299) Ham
LoggingCampCrane.zip - 2.52 MB
Logging Camp Crane
Installation Instructions:
Using the RailWorks Package manager, install the file LoggingCampCrane.rwp Start RailWorks and open the route where you want the Logging Camp Crane installed in the Edit Route Mode. In the Asset Selector, you need to select RHam and Addon The Logging Camp Crane is a scenery object listed under CommercialIndustrialBuildings and named LoggingCampCrane Select the LoggingCampCrane from the list of assets and left click on your route close to where you want it located; immediately left click on the section of track where you want the unloading to occur; then right click to stop loading more copies Select the Logging Camp Crane in your route and use the Gizmo to locate it to its final position. The blue box should be centered on the track and also centered on the loading point marker that you put on the track with the second left click.
Complete Instructions are in the LoggingCampCraneInstructions.pdf which is included in the upload. It can be found at Assets\RHam\Addon\RailNetwork\Yards\LoggingCamp
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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