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Big Boy Upgrade 2

TS 2015
Saturday, 10 January 2015

Big Boy Upgrade 2 by David Whiting (dtrainBNSF1)

 Big_Boy_upgrade_2.zip - 45 kb

This is a second upgrade for the Big Boy.  It DOES NOT replace the upgrade I released last summer but adds more to it


Big Boy physics upgrade 2

Thank you for downloading this new upgrade for the Big Boy.  This upgrade DOES NOT supercede the upgrade I released last Summer, rather it adds to it.

This second upgrade addresses the following issues:

-the first upgrade I developed enabled the cylinder cocks for manual operation, but no steam came out.  After making some changes to the particles file steam now comes out of the cylinder cocks as well as the whistle and turbo generator.

-the sander has always been functional but before nothing was seen on the outside.  Changes to the particles file now causes an animation for the sander.
 *personal note: the sander animation is not actually a sander animation.  For whatever reason the developers used the cylinder cocks from the Britannia to create the sand effect on the Big Boy.  Why this seemed like a good idea I'll never know because it looks absolutely nothing like sand plus the animation only works on the rear set of drivers so it looks really weird.  If you would prefer you can go into the Britannia's cylinder cocks .xml file in the particles folder and change the roll off rate to "2" and the animation will not occur.  The sander will still do its thing but without the animation.

-for whatever reason recently the headlight stopped working.  This has been fixed thanks to a tip from wopflyer.  He figured out how to fix it, told me about it and asked me to put it in an upgrade (to which I was more than happy to oblige).  So thanks to wopflyer for fixing the headlights!

-the Big Boy originally was way to heavy.  This upgrade adjusts the weight to a more appropriate weight in metric tons according to specifications from steamlocomotive.com.

-the tender weight has also been adjusted based on figures also found at steamlocomotive.com.  The coal and water amounts have also been adjusted to their proper levels in imperial tons and imperial gallons.  You still have more than enough to get over Sherman Hill at full tonnage.

-I noticed that when you place the Big Boy tender in the scenario editor or when you drive the Big Boy in a quick drive that the number on the tender is from the 3900-series (the challengers).  While Challenger tenders carried the same amounts of coal and water as Big Boy tenders and it can easily be fixed in-game by double-clicking the tender and typing in a new number this numbering issue really bugged me.  A lot.  So the tender numbering has been changed to display numbers from the 4000-series (all the way from 4000-4024) when placing the tender in a scenario or driving the Big Boy in quick drive scenarios.

To install all you have to do is use the Utilities app to install the included .rwp file and you're good to go.

And that's it.  Have fun with your upgraded Big Boy!  I take no responsibility of any damage or harmful affects this upgrade may have on your game or your computer - install at your own risk.  However I know of no problems that this can cause because it works on my end.

-David Whiting (dtrainBNSF1)

Please accept license agreement before downloading

Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.


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