How do you edit workshop scenarios on specific AI trains and tenders

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How do you edit workshop scenarios on specific AI trains and tenders

Unread postby jack72 » Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:25 pm

I downloaded a scenario from steam workshop, but want to edit some of the AI trains.
Can someone explain how to use the editor in TS2015 or point to a tutorial to achieve this?

The main issue is finding the AI train and cars and change them to what I want to use.
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Re: How do you edit workshop scenarios on specific AI trains and tenders

Unread postby OldProf » Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:11 am

Exchanging one driven (AI or player) engine for another with the supplied scenario editor, often referred to as "swapping", is only possible by carefully making notes about the type and content of that engine's instructions, deleting the extant engine, replacing it with the engine of your choice, and re-writing all of those instructions. In sum, a very cumbersome, difficult, and nearly success-proof process. Most folks use RW_Tools to accomplish a "swap", which is much easier but doesn't always work. Also, this method has been complicated by Steam's insistence on AP folders.

No matter what you try, work on a clone of the original scenario!
Tom Pallen (Old Prof)

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Re: How do you edit workshop scenarios on specific AI trains and tenders

Unread postby GreatNortherner » Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:26 am


The easiest or most efficient way of changing rolling stock in a (any) scenario is probably by using RW_Tools. Which comes with a very neat scenario editor, which allows you to swap the rail vehicles any static consist, player or AI consist to whatever you have installed in your RW.

A few years ago, I wrote a tutorial about how to do this, I think it should still be valid: ... s_Swap.pdf

RW_Tools is available here:

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Re: How do you edit workshop scenarios on specific AI trains and tenders

Unread postby Chacal » Tue Dec 09, 2014 2:21 pm

You can find the train by opening the timetable editor (the icon looks like a pie chart), selecting the train in the left pane's drop-down menu, then clicking on the red loco icon. This will show the train on the amp.
Then you can move your camera to that train (using the ctrl-click method if it is far away).

To swap locos, you need to put the new loco near the old one, then select the driver icon, then drag it to the new loco.
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Re: How do you edit workshop scenarios on specific AI trains and tenders

Unread postby OldProf » Tue Dec 09, 2014 3:26 pm

Chacal wrote:You can find the train by opening the timetable editor (the icon looks like a pie chart), selecting the train in the left pane's drop-down menu, then clicking on the red loco icon. This will show the train on the amp.
Then you can move your camera to that train (using the ctrl-click method if it is far away).

To swap locos, you need to put the new loco near the old one, then select the driver icon, then drag it to the new loco.

WoW!!!!! Will that work now? That's a major improvement and I thank you for pointing it out. I wish that RSC would put out a comprehensive scenario writing & editing manual -- something they have never actually done.
Tom Pallen (Old Prof)

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Re: How do you edit workshop scenarios on specific AI trains and tenders

Unread postby Chacal » Tue Dec 09, 2014 3:32 pm

Yes it works, I used it with success.
I picked it up here in a post by some old hand, can't remember who.
As with anything involving drag-and-drop in the editor, it is finicky and doesn't always work on the first try.

EDIT: duplicate threads merged.
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