Models for trailers and such are still pending. I have a 40' Fruehauf Z-Van which I will probably stretch to 45' as well, but for earlier varieties I am open to suggestions. I may also do an autorack version from this basic template -- the Machine Rail variety are based I believe on the separate F89J class, and I don't think this kind has been done before for TS. For those of you interested in the technical details, the model currently stands at around 77k tris, 24k of which come from the springs alone (!) and will be baked away by the time texturing comes around. With the small library of standard components I modeled for this, I'm hoping to do other rolling stock as well in the coming months. Some new coil cars wouldn't go amiss...
p.s. if anyone has paint information about these, shoot it my way! Models and text references suggest that railroads owned these cars too, but I haven't been able to find real photos to back this up.