Some info for figuring consist car types and locomotive

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Some info for figuring consist car types and locomotive

Unread postby ironcat60 » Wed Aug 22, 2018 10:22 am

These two articles might be handy for figuring what cars make up a consist and the how old or new the prime mover might be that powers that consist.

Here is a link to a pdf that lists the type and percentage of rail cars in the US fleet. This gives you an idea of what cars are most common in the modern consist. It also has a graph that lists how many prime movers were manufactured and when, giving a idea of how old the average fleets are. Plus a whole bunch of other information.

Two more links that cover the same subject but might be more to the point. ... s-by-type/ ... ince-1990/

Here is a link to Model Railroader magazine that covers what type of cars can be placed together or should be separated because of Hazmat.
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Re: Some info for figuring consist car types and locomotive

Unread postby GERUNIMO625 » Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:46 am


If your curious about car placement in regards to hazmat. This is the pamphlet that as railroads we are required to carry on us.

Form 8620: ... Hazmat.pdf
(Scroll down to 'Train Placement' and follow the chart)

This is a slightly dated one I found on Google, it should be good enough.
While the Form 8620's we use on the job are current, I don't believe I can post it on the interwebs per GCOR and Company Policy, sorry.
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