Musings about Electrics, Pipestone Pass and Milwaukee Electrics

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Musings about Electrics, Pipestone Pass and Milwaukee Electrics

Unread postby gtw5812 » Wed Feb 05, 2025 3:41 pm

Way back in the "80's" I became fascinated with Milwaukee's Electrified operations. I never got to see or experience it....but I became a "student" of it, reading and studying about it. I've collected models, and visited the area. In the Navy, I was forward deployed to Italy in the 90's onboard the Sixth Fleet Flagship, and was lucky enough to experience the last of the WWII electrics still operating there, pulling freight. That was the closest I got to the "Big Electrics", but I imagine that the sights and sounds were similar. Now we have Pipestone, and I must say, I am really enjoying it!! Just before I switched over here to "Railworks" and Train Simulator Classic, a freeware route had been developed in MSTS, and I was "wearing the rails out"! It was one of the things I missed the most during my switch......but now, we have it again! I have included a few shots from what I experienced over in Italy, below. I hope you enjoy them! And as you go through the "Screen Shot" board here...please excuse all my "Big Jack" shots I post....I am just an excited "old guy"....having loads of fun!! And to all that make these models possible.... *!!thnx!!*
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Re: Musings about Electrics, Pipestone Pass and Milwaukee Electrics

Unread postby mindenjohn » Wed Feb 05, 2025 4:44 pm

I remember those Italian brutes, thanks for the reminiscence.

I've a good memory for whatever I can remember!
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