Glenn, check out those Fairbanks Morse builder and roster pages. P&WV had other FM roadswitchers, H20-44's, their biggest 4 axle model. There also was a H16-66" Baby TrainMaster" but that model was only sold to C&NW and Milwaukee Road.
Here is a page with many splendid photos of the H24-66 TrainMaster in action. ... M%20H24-66For instance:
Raising dust while bringing papa home to wife, kids and family
Lackawanna is also bringing daddy home
resting in Roanoke
why are the brake lines tied to the rails? Was there a safely plug installed to prevent the engines from 'creeping away' while idling?
This engine, along with the ALCo PA series and the Baldwin Sharknose are my prime choices of first generation Diesels for TS2012.