Tri Rail Equipment

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Tri Rail Equipment

Unread postby jonmorrie » Sat Dec 20, 2014 3:57 pm

Dovetail Games wrote:We have been working very hard with Tri-Rail to secure an official license for this route as we know that officially branded locomotives in the correct liveries are very important to Train Simulator players. Currently we have not been able to secure that license which means that we are unable to bring you Tri-Rail liveries and content at this time. We would very much like to bring Tri-Rail content to the community in the future so we are continuing to work with Tri-Rail to secure the licence that we require to do this. As always we will keep you all updated as the situation progresses.

We've heard that before (cough cough Coaster and Metrolink). This leads me to believe that the chances of getting legitimate Tri Rail equipment is slim. I know the F40PHL is in the works, so we'll have that, but in the interim, maybe something here could be done.

Some Tri-Rail F40s are former Amtrak... maybe one of the talented painters here could take a crack at it:



In addition, the bi-levels from LA/SD commuter packs would be beautiful:


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Re: Tri Rail Equipment

Unread postby sully7302 » Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:20 pm

Cab Cars and coaches will have reverse textures so those are out of the question...if you're ok with the freeware F40 I'll take a shot at that....
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Re: Tri Rail Equipment

Unread postby BNSFdude » Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:24 pm

The F40s that TriRail has are F40PH-2Cs. Longer than a standard 40.
Anthony Wood
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