Semi-Trailer Pack has been updated! Get the Second Edition here... viewtopic.php?f=30&t=3886&start=60#p38295
Download the Greenborough Maintenance Facility here... viewtopic.php?f=30&t=3886&start=45#p38044
As the story goes, I literally had 10 minutes left to get these done when all of the sudden *POOF* - no power I had planned to release this Sunday but just got my power back a few hours ago.
This is my first release but I plan to release many more freeware add-ons. I wanted some realistic looking trailers and tried not to go overboard on the polygon count. I'd like to provide generic assets that fit many people's needs and would love to hear what people are looking for. I'm working on a personal route so any assets that I create will automatically be released but the more ideas I get from people the easier it will be for me to identify the next project(s).
Be aware that I have not tested this outside of the new TSX engine.
You can download the file over on which I hope to make into a full website but for now I just threw all the info up.
Here's some info...
- Comes in the following textures; Generic (Blank), UPS, FedEx Ground, CSX Intermodal, J.B. Hunt, R&J National (Fictional), Yellow, Roadway, and Severely Neglected / Rusted
Provider: 90000ft
Product: NewEngland
Category: People/Animals/Vehicles
Asset Name: NTF - Semi-Trailer (-texture-)
Comes in 2 LODs with 512x512 texture map, no stencil shadow